A tiny list of events I have been invited to speak at.


Statamic: How to scale with your clients

Bits+Currywurst #bc22

If logged in, you can watch my talk I gave on the Bits+Currywurst 2022 in Dortmund, on different scaling options for Statamic.

How Statamic can scale with your clients

1st Statamic Meetup Berlin in 2022

Statamic is a PHP CMS based on the popular Laravel Framework. It has an amazing developer experience, great docs, and one of the best User Interfaces out there in the CMS market. The most interesting part of Statamic is the scalability thought. You can easily scale together with your clients, from a personal blog as a flat file cms up to an enterprise solution a.

Zero Downtime Deployment

Statameet 2021

Deploying can take a lot of time, but it doesn't have to be that way. Let's look into `deployer` and Laravel Forge in combination with GitHub actions to accomplish zero-downtime deployments.


Statamic Podcast mit André Basse und Jonas Siewertsen

programmier.bar, August 2021

Mit unseren Gästen André Basse und Jonas Siewertsen sprechen wir in dieser Folge über die großen Potenziale von Statamic und seiner im Sommer 2020 veröffentlichten dritten Version.